
Refining activity
The State Treasury to subscribe for and acquire new shares of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

The State Treasury to subscribe for and acquire new shares of Grupa LOTOS S.A.

On October 15th 2014, the Minister of the State Treasury representing the State Treasury entered into an agreement with Grupa LOTOS S.A. for granting the support in the form of non-public aid of up to PLN 530m to finance the construction of a delayed coking unit (DCU) and auxiliary installations (EFRA Project). Under the Agreement, the State Treasury will subscribe for and acquire new issue shares of Grupa LOTOS by exercising its pre-emptive rights.

Safe bitumen production and logistics

Safe bitumen production and logistics

More than 50% of accidents related to bitumen handling occur during unloading.To prevent such accidents, LOTOS Asfalt has designed an education campaign called “Be safe when working with bitumens”, and produced a video guide on how to deliver bitumens to construction sites safely. The videos are available at lotosasfalt.pl. They are also played during training sessions organised for all supply chain participants – from customers and carriers to production plant personnel.